Code of Ethics Policy
The IDM Code of Ethics provides resources to empower employees to act ethically and in legal compliance in their everyday practice.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at crystol.corby@idmys.ca
To submit a service grievance, please fill out the form here.
1. Business Operations
a. Marketing: IDM Youth Services Inc. will ensure that marketing materials will avoid misrepresentation of the Agency and be free from personal opinion. IDM Youth Services Inc. will clearly state the services the agency has the capacity to deliver when making marketing statements.
b. Contractual Relationships: IDM Youth Services Inc. will conduct all business with our contractors professionally, ethically, and in accordance with all established policies and procedures and applicable laws and regulations. IDM Youth Services Inc. will abide by all established agreements made with contractors/funders.
c. Human Resources: IDM Youth Services Inc. will provide equal employment and job promotion opportunities to qualified individuals who meet the requirements set out in the job description regardless of race, age, gender, disability, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and language.
d. Legal Obligations: IDM Youth Services Inc. ensures that it is in compliance with all local, provincial, and federal laws and regulations through their established policies and procedures and everyday business practices. Any unlawful actions taken by employees is strictly prohibited.
2a. Conflicts of Interest
a. Personal Beliefs: Employees will not place their personal beliefs in conflict with the established mission, values, and goals of IDM Youth Services Inc. Employees may not impose their personal beliefs on any persons served, employees, or stakeholders. Employees will respect all persons served, employees, and stakeholders regardless of their race, age, gender, disability, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and language.
b. Personal Relationships: Employees should not involve themselves with any business decision involving any individual that they have a close personal relationship with. For example, employees should not have any involvement or influence on employee reviews for individuals that they are related to, in a romantic relationship with, etc. Employees should direct any potential conflict of interest in this regard to the attention of the management team.
c. Gift, Money, and Gratuity Exchanges: Receiving and giving gifts, money, or gratuity are permissible so long as they are legal, appropriate, and do not influence any business decisions. No employee should give or receive any gifts, monies, or gratuities in excess of $50CAD to/from any persons served, employees, or stakeholders without notice rendered to a Senior Manager, General Manager, or Director.
d. Personal Fundraising: Employees cannot do any personal fundraising in which they affiliate themselves with IDM Youth Services Inc. Employees cannot request any personal fundraising from any persons served or stakeholders affiliated with IDM Youth Services Inc. without express permission from the General Manager or Director.
2b. Conflicts of Interest Continued.
e. Personal Property: Employees will ensure that all personal property of our persons served, stakeholders, employees, and agency are handled with the upmost care and in accordance with all applicable policies and procedures.
f. Setting Boundaries: Employees will adhere to all policies and procedures related to conduct and contact with our persons served. Employees must maintain professional boundaries with our persons served at all times. Any employees in romantic relationships with each other must disclose this to the management team and must remain professional and have no inappropriate contact while on shift. Employees must not have any unauthorized personal visitors at any IDM Youth Services Inc. resource or meet in a public forum while conducting IDM business.
g. Witnessing Legal Documents: Employees are not to witness any signing of legal documents (i.e. power of attorney, guardianship, etc.) without approval from the management team for persons served, stakeholders, or employees.
h. Political Activities: Employees will not use any IDM Youth Services Inc. resources or act on behalf of IDM Youth Services Inc. for any personal political activities. Employees will clearly communicate that they are not acting on behalf of the agency if identified as an employee of IDM Youth Services Inc. while engaged in personal political activities. All personal political activities are to occur on the employees’ own time and at their own expense.
i. Business Opportunities: Employees may not personally capitalize on any business opportunities they learn about throughout their employment with IDM Youth Services Inc. or direct any said opportunities to other competing agencies or individuals, without approval from the Director. Employees cannot use any agency resources or information to compete with IDM Youth Services Inc.
j. Outside Employment: Employees must ensure that they do not provide services with another agency that may cause a conflict of interest with their employment with IDM Youth Services Inc. Employees must consult with a member of the managerial team if unsure if their outside employment would be considered a conflict of interest.
k. Director and Manager Conflicts: The Director/Manager has a duty to avoid any conflicts of interest in the performance of their duties. The Director/Manager should not have any interests that would impair their ability to exercise proper judgement and uphold their fiduciary obligations.
3. Our Culture
a. Environmental Stewardship: IDM Youth Services Inc. desires to improve our impact on the environment. Employees are encouraged to think of ways to achieve this and at a minimum are expected to follow all established environmental regulations in place by any local, provincial, or federal laws.
b. Workplace Safety: Safety in the workplace is of the upmost importance for our persons served, stakeholders, and employees. IDM Youth Services Inc. adheres to all workplace safety regulatory bodies, relevant laws, and regulations. Employees are expected to follow all established policies and procedures around workplace safety for persons served, stakeholders, employees, and agency resources.
c. Labour Practices: IDM Youth Services Inc. strives to comply with all labour and employment standards, laws, and regulations. If employees are unclear on any employment standards, laws, or regulations they should consult with a member of the managerial team or their own legal advisor.
d. Workplace Culture: The workplace atmosphere is of the upmost importance. IDM Youth Services Inc. strives to create a place that persons served, stakeholders, and employees enjoy and want to be. The managerial and senior staff team should foster a positive, supportive, collaborative, and diligent workplace for all employees. The managerial and senior staff team should always demonstrate their commitment to this Code of Ethics and all policies and procedures established at IDM Youth Services Inc.
e. Respect for our Stakeholders: The relationships with our stakeholders is paramount to the success of IDM Youth Services Inc. All stakeholders will be free from judgement from their race, age, gender, disability, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and language. All interactions with our stakeholders will be conducted professionally, with integrity, and in adherence to all legal obligations.
4. Professional Responsibilities
a. Protecting Assets/Intellectual Property: All employees have a duty to protect all IDM Youth Services Inc. assets and intellectual property from inappropriate use. This includes protecting all confidential information from public access such as: contracts, financial information, internal software/documents, employee information, photographs, etc. All IDM Youth Services Inc. assets and intellectual property are not to be replicated for personal use.
b. Technology Use: Employees should refrain from using IDM Youth Services Inc. technology assets for personal use and should comply with all applicable policies and procedures around technology use. Technology use should not interfere with employee performance levels. Accessing or sending any potentially offensive or inappropriate conduct via our technology is strictly prohibited.
c. Privacy: Privacy and confidentiality is paramount to provide effective service delivery to our persons served, stakeholders, and employees. Employees should follow all established policies and procedures around privacy and confidentiality and comply will all established laws and regulations.
d. Data Security: All IDM Youth Services Inc. data must be kept secure by all employees at all times. This is vital to our relationships with our persons served, stakeholders, and employees. Employees should follow all established policies and procedures surrounding data security – including protecting all passwords, data access, etc.
e. Accurate Records: Employees should ensure that they are following all established policies and procedures surrounding record keeping. Employees should be ensuring that all records for persons served, employees, and finances are completed in a timely fashion and are legible, valid, and accurate. Falsification or misleading information in our records is strictly prohibited.
f. Document Retention: Employees must comply with all applicable policies and procedures and applicable laws and regulations surrounding document retention – including but not limited to persons served and employee hardcopy and electronic documents, financial records, emails, etc.
g. Duty to Report: Employees, regardless of their personal relationships with persons served, employees, or stakeholders have a duty to report to their management team and/or applicable authorities for violations to our established policies and procedures, ethical code of conduct, or any suspected acts of theft, waste, fraud, abuse, or other applicable wrongdoing. If any employees are unsure if they have a duty to report on a certain matter, they should consult with their managerial team.
h. Professional Conduct: Employees will adhere to their job descriptions, shift expectations, and employment contracts, and act appropriately within their defined roles. Employees must not be under the influence of any drugs or alcohol while on shift. Employees must not be consuming any drugs or alcohol while off shift that may affect their job performance when they arrive on shift.
5. Empowering Employees and Persons Served
a. Non-discrimination and Non-harassment: IDM Youth Services Inc. is committed to being an equal opportunity place of employment and will not tolerate discrimination towards our employees based on their race, age, gender, disability, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and language. Diversity in the workplace is fundamental to our success and any harassment or unlawful behaviour is strictly prohibited.
b. Mutual Respect: Teamwork is a key value at IDM Youth Services Inc. and allows individual employees to bring their unique skills, abilities, and ideas to the table. Creating an environment that celebrates individuality, allows employees to be creative, take initiative, problem-solve, and love their jobs. Any hostility, intimidation, or threatening behaviours between employees, or towards persons served, or applicable stakeholders will not be tolerated. Employees must adhere to all applicable policies and procedures and established laws and regulations surrounding mutual respect.
c. Empowering Persons Served: IDM Youth Services Inc. will practice informed consent to ensure the person served is aware of their rights, the delivery of services, confidentiality, and access to advocacy. Employees will not discriminate against the culture, language, age, gender, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic status, of the person served and will assist in eliminating any discrimination or stigma. Employees will empower persons served in learning to manage their own behaviours by promoting the use of healthy coping strategies.